There are several links between the activities of the Nexa Center and the teaching activities of the co-directors, faculty fellows and other fellows of the Center.
"Politica e tecnica": the course "Global Challenges" on digital challenges
The "Global Challenges" courses are an opportunity to deepen in a highly interdisciplinary way a specific topic of importance for the life of humanity, placing technology at the center but at the same time showing how technology is an integral part of our humanity and our living together on the planet.
Technology has always played an important role in the great challenges that humanity faced. Whether we are talking about digital, energy, mobility, climate, health or technologies and humanity in general, technology is almost always at the center. However, the great challenges are practically never reducible to technical elements alone, neither when they are analyzed, nor when possible solutions are designed. To understand great human challenges and to deal with them successfully, the contribution of all forms of knowledge is necessary, from the technical-scientific to the humanities, from the social sciences to art.
The "Global Challenges" courses (4 for every challenge, totaling 24) are an opportunity to deepen in a highly interdisciplinary way a specific topic of importance for the life of humanity, placing technology at the center but at the same time showing how technology is an integral part of our humanity and our living together on the planet. In this context, all "Global Challenges" courses will refer to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, a global initiative that is shaping many policies from the local to the international level. Social and political change and technical and technological development are normally studied separately, as autonomous and poorly correlated phenomena. Yet, a simple mobile phone "hides" a multiplicity of possible analysis levels, which are difficult to keep separate: from the strictly engineering dimension of design and construction to the geopolitical dimension linked to raw materials and the technical skills necessary for production, up to disposal policies (which are technical and political at the same time); from the transformations of technological capitalism, to the "values" conveyed by the design of the various applications, to the problem of the technologies of control; and much more.
In this course we aim to provide analytic tools useful for studying - also from a historical perspective – two main topics: on the one hand how technical and technological development cannot be isolated from the concrete power relations - economic, political and ideological - in which it is immersed; and on the other hand, how this development profoundly affects the widespread social imaginaries, transforming our way of thinking about the world in which we live. It’s meant to be a dialogue between computer engineering and political philosophy that will touch on major theoretical issues - from the Promethean myth of technology to the conflicting relationship between democracy and knowledge - with a constant eye on concrete examples linked to the history of technology and the most recent developments.
Digital technologies and society
Digital technologies and society is a Polytechnic University of Turin master course (Master of Science in Computer Engineering) aiming at raising awareness on what being a computer engineer means in the age of the digital revolution.
In a time when technological developments such as the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, social networks and smartphones are revolutionizing economy, politics, culture, and personal relationships, the course aims at introducing the student to the reflection on the social impact of information technology and, vice versa, on social conditioning on the development of information technology.
The course is held by Juan Carlos De Martin (coordinator and lecturer), Paolo Prinetto (lecturer), and Antonio Vetrò (lecturer).
The goal of the course is to lead students to understand their role in society both as a professional and as citizens with certain technical and scientific skills. The course is highly interdisciplinary, even though it constantly refers to specific knowledge on information technologies. The hours lectures are 60.
The first edition of the course took place in the Academic Year 2018/2019. Lectures were done from March 2019 until mid-June 2019. The students who enrolled in the course are 55. Examples of topics covered are professions and code of ethics; history of computers and Internet; interpretative models of technology; ethical and policy issues in information systems; data bias; algorithm fairness. The evaluation has been based on a horal exam and on a report composed of two parts: an in depth study on a topic of choice, and a data impact assessment (on a R or Jupyter notebook) on a dataset provided by teachers where students apply the techniques learnt for assessing data bias; algorithm fairness.
The second and third editions of the course counted respectively 40 and 32 students enrolled and they were done entirely via remote classes due to the Covid-19 global emergency. The fourth edition of the course, in 2022, is being taught in a “hybrid” way: both in presence and with live streaming of the lectures for those who cannot participate due to the epidemic situation. Overall 50 students enrolled in the last edition. During the course, students are asked to give a presentation on a real case of algorithmic discrimination and discuss it with the rest of the class.
For more information about the course structure, please refer to the syllabus and rules sections, as well as to Politecnico's teaching portal.
Data Ethics and Protection
Data Ethics and Protection is a Politecnico di Torino master course (Master of Science in Data Science and Engineering) aiming at giving students an increased awareness of the role of data scientists and data experts in society, and a better understanding of the main challenges that they face in developing innovative data-driven products and services.
The course is held by Alessandro Mantelero (coordinator and lecturer), Juan Carlos De Martin (lecturer), and Antonio Vetrò (lecturer).
This course is mainly designed to give students an increased awareness of the role of data scientists and data experts in society, and a better understanding of the main challenges that they face in developing innovative data-driven products and services.
Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the course focuses both on ethical and legal issues, seen through the lens of technology. The hours of lectures are 60.
From this perspective, the first part of the course provides a general overview of the interplay between law, ethics and technology, discussing the most relevant issues in the ongoing debate on law & ethics with regard to data intensive systems.
In this context, data protection regulations and their application in the AI environment are addressed, including risk assessment methodologies. The course then goes beyond the traditional sphere of data protection and deals with the impact of data use on fundamental rights and ethical values, considering different proposals and guidelines on data ethics. The second part of the course is focused on the computer science perspective, with discussions in class about the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional and selected case studies. The students learn methodologies to design and conduct an impact assessment for data-driven automated decision systems.
The first edition of the course took place in the Academic Year 2019/2020 with 164 students enrolled. The number increased constantly in the following years: in A.Y. 2021/2002 students that enrolled in the course were 240. The students acquire a greater awareness of the duties of a professional in the data science context and understand the impacts on people and society of the current data-driven algorithms and technologies. They also obtain a greater understanding of the ethical and legal values that should underpin the development of their products and services. Additionally, they acquire the proper skills to quantitatively estimate discriminate impacts on people from the execution of data-driven tools.
Semiotics of digital cultures: narratives about the meaning of AI and digital technologies between nonfiction and fiction
A course at the postgraduate degree in Communication and Media Cultures of the University of Turin
"Semiotics of digital cultures" is a course for the postgraduate degree in Communication and Media Cultures of the University of Turin. The course aims to reflect on how the digital technologies that permeate our daily lives are changing the way we assign meaning to what we experience and communicate. Specifically, it focuses on how the advent of computers, the Internet, smartphones and now artificial intelligence have brought a structural change in the way the media system works, giving rise to new forms of media experience and new ways of telling ourselves and reality.
The course is an attempt by Antonio Santangelo to bring to the students of the University of Turin, mainly belonging to the field of humanities, some of the themes carried on at Nexa Center. In particular, the idea is to “translate” some of the contents of the old course “Digital Revolution”, held by Juan Carlos de Martin at Politecnico di Torino.
The overall training objectives of the course are the following:
(i) to understand the meaning of the choices made by those who design digital technologies such as, for example, Artificial Intelligence applications, through the lenses of semiotics. In this regard, the focus is on the influence of certain cultural models and values on the ideas that have led us to imagine and to use these technologies as we do today.
(ii) to understand how certain digital technologies, designed according to these choices, influence the functioning of our culture. In this regard, the focus is on some typical communication practices of our time, such as social networking around selfies, the processes of public opinion formation around the so-called "viral" contents, the spread and the "battle" against fake news and posttruth, the functioning of online content recommendation systems.
In the second year, the course has been attended by 83 students and is still highly appreciated, in particular for what concerns the critics to the surveillance capitalist system, the new economic order powered by digital platforms, as well as the ethics of algorithms and of Artificial Intelligence.
Software Engineering II
"Software Engineering II" is a Politecnico di Torino master course (Master of Science in Computer Engineering) aiming at expanding the knowledge and skills of students in the software engineering, especially concerning the management of the software development process, the organization of development activities, quality assurance, process improvement and software evolution.
The course is held by Marco Torchiano (coordinator and lecturer) and Antonio Vetrò (lecturer).
The knowledge that students acquired through the fundamental and optional courses mainly concern technologies that can be used to build software systems (e.g. programming languages, web technologies, security, computer architectures) and basic techniques and tools to support development (e.g. deployment, version control, requirements, design). In order to effectively employ such knowledge and skills, it is fundamental to organize the development activities and manage them, curate the quality of the software products, and account for the inevitable characteristic of software: its persistent change.
The students will acquire basic knowledge regarding:
i) software development methods, focusing on agile methods,
ii) software quality assurance and process improvement, in particular static analysis and technical debt assessment,
iii) software evolution dynamics.
A key component of software development (as it happens in industrial context) is teamwork. Key skills to be developed include:
i) coordination of individuals and their interactions,
ii) planning and monitoring the project evolution,
iii) manage stakeholders' collaboration,
iv) set up self-organizing teams.
Since the 2022 edition, elements of Value Sensitive Design were introduced in the context of the project “Fostering and Assessing Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills in Higher Education” with OECD.
The first edition of the course was attended by 70 students, while the number of enrolled students was about 125. The course is organized with a balance of theory (20% of the evaluation) and practice (80% of the evaluation): conventional lectures introduce the theory concerning the main topics of the course. Such lectures are followed by practical sessions (either collective exercises or hands-on development sessions). A key component of software development that is exercised is teamwork, including coordination of individuals and their interactions, leveraging stakeholders' collaboration, and achieving self-organization. The course obtained very high satisfaction among students throughout the years.
“Digital culture”: a course within the Specialization Master’s in journalism at Università di Torino
The goal of the course is aligned with that of the Master: to equip students with the professional, technical and cultural tools to work competently in new scenarios and recognize the new challenges of journalism.
The Master’s in journalism 'Giorgio Bocca' of Turin was born in 2004 on the initiative of the Order of Journalists (national and regional) and the University and was named after Giorgio Bocca in 2013. Open to students from all over Italy, it is a reference point for a vast geographical area that includes Piedmont, Liguria and Valle d'Aosta. It has been consolidated in the context of training in journalism recognized by the National Association of Journalists: there are currently 11 schools recognized in Italy, but it is the only one in the Northwest. The Master's degree replaces the two-year period of internship required by law to take the State exam and obtain the professional title and is in direct contact with the reality of information and publishing through internship and collaboration agreements; it counts on collaboration with relevant Italian newspapers: La Stampa, Il Secolo XIX and La Repubblica.
Within this context, the course “Digital Culture” (formerly “Evolutionary dynamics of science and technology”) has two main objectives:
(i) Let students acquire awareness of the relationship between society and technological developments, and digital technologies.
(ii) Let students understand fundamental lessons from the history of communication technologies, useful for interpreting and addressing the opportunities, risks, and future trends of the digital revolution.
The topics covered are the following:
(i) The concept of “Digital Revolution” and the relationship between technology and society.
(ii) The history of the PC from the roots to its most recent developments, with focuses on the machine created by Alan Turing and its heritage, the cybernetics and the interconnections with the data revolution and Stewart Brand's projects and their contribution to the digital revolution
(iii) Data ethics and critical system heuristics, with selected case studies and interactive activities.
The first edition of the course took place in the Academic Year 2019/2020: lectures were done in February and March 2020, for a total of 16 hours (including the final exam). The students who enrolled in the course were 14 and, due to the Covid-19 global emergency, they attend classes remotely. The second edition took place in 2022, it was held in presence by 20 students in total. Students have been assessed on their ability to critically reflect on the development of digital techniques.
Other ongoing teaching activities
Informatics is creativity
Computer engineering is a highly creative discipline, based on the skills of problem solving, planning and design and cannot be reduced to the image of the "nerd" stereotype. This path is aimed at secondary school female students (3rd and 4th year), with the aim of promoting computer engineering without the gender stereotypes with which it is associated in the collective imagination. Antonio Vetrò, as a member of the Departmental Commission on Diversity and Inclusion chaired by Prof. Tania Cerquitelli, participated to the development of this course, which is offered in the context of the Pathways for Transversal Skills and Orientation (PCTO) of Politecnico di Torino. The course will take place from May to June 2022.
The course aims to stimulate and strengthen the problem-solving skills that are the basis of all engineering disciplines. Specifically, computer engineering is presented as a synthesis of analytical and creative thinking and creative thinking (problem solving), which dialogues with the possibilities offered by computer technologies. The program (2o hours) foresees a general introduction to problem solving and three training modules (data science, design, and gaming) in which a brief theoretical introduction is accompanied by exercises and laboratory activities carried out using simplified development tools. The course is open to all students (max 60 participants) and specific experience in the field of programming / coding is not required. The course includes a competition of ideas, in which students will be encouraged to propose an innovative idea in an application context of their choice, among several initial proposals. Finally, during the course the important historical role of women in the IT field is illustrated to stimulate a greater awareness of the historical context and its limitations, and the potential reversibility of current gender imbalance.
Riconnessioni - Fondazione per la Scuola (Compagnia di San Paolo)
Riconnessioni is an education project ( whose goal is to support teachers in bringing technological, organizational and didactic innovations in primary and junior high schools. The mission of the project is to create a model of educational innovation at a national level. The Nexa Center participates to the project by organizing and teaching to the laboratory “Essere digitali” (“Be Digital”), in which teachers are provided with an overview of the historical roots of the current digital revolution and of the latest technological developments. In the reporting period, Juan Carlos De Martin, Antonio Santangelo and Antonio Vetrò gave lectures. The program and the material are available at
Executive Master “Digital Policy and Technology” – LUISS School of Government
Antonio Vetrò has been responsible for a teaching module at the Executive Master “Digital Policy and Technology” of the LUISS School of Government, held from September to February 2021. The Master Executive, realized in collaboration with Facebook, offered a multidisciplinary and training path, combining the study of political communication with the latest trends in technological development. The Master's program addressed four main areas: Fundamentals; Technology and Policy; Methods and Techniques; and Network Policy. The Master has been addressed to graduates in political, sociological and communicative disciplines, as well as to an audience of professionals in the world of politics and public administration, to deepen the main issues related to the relationship between democracy, politics and technology. The professional figures trained included public policy-makers, private decision-makers and innovation managers of companies with a strong technological vocation, public communicators and press officers of public and private organizations operating in the field of digital technologies, and digital strategists of actors such as parties, trade unions, non-governmental organizations.
The module coordinated by Vetrò Antonio was “Blockchain for Governance” with a duration of 10 hours and the following content: development of blockchain; applications in decision-making; blockchain governance and public administration. Lectures have been given by Antonio Vetrò for the part on automated decision making with a focus on bias and fairness, while Marco Conoscenti introduced the blockchain working mechanisms and illustrated use cases for governance purposes.
More information on the Executive Master can be retrieved at:
Biennale Tecnologia for Teachers and Students of Secondary Schools
In 2021, the Biennale Tecnologia has decided to strongly relaunch its commitment to supporting teachers and students at secondary schools, following up on the proposal of activities and laboratories promoted and carried out during its first edition. The new proposal of the Biennale Tecnologia, in line with the current scholastic context, has been designed as a useful complement to traditional and mixed presence-distance teaching, which integrates and expands the classroom work of teachers and individual study. At the center of the training offer is the rich archive of lessons and online meetings of the Biennale Tecnologia 2020, a wealth of living knowledge that becomes a precious tool in the hands of teachers and students to deepen, with an interdisciplinary approach, topical issues around the relationship between technology, man and society. This valorization of the rich archive of content of the Biennale Tecnologia passed through the selection and the proposal of five thematic paths that deal with sensitive themes ranging from Artificial Intelligence to environmental sustainability, from health to the impact of the digital revolution, up to investigating the unusual but fervent relationship between technology and literature. For each path, the formula is as follows: (a) an introductory lecture on the subject by a teacher to be delivered preferably live; b) a critical in-depth study of the topic by the teachers of the schools, through the deferred use of some of the Biennale meetings dedicated to it; c) a follow-up meeting in which the teacher, or more likely some of his researchers, will once again be the protagonist, in a live dialogue with the students and aimed at answering their doubts and curiosity.
The Nexa Center has been involved both in the organization of the initiative (J.C. De Martin and M. Plazio) and in the thematic path, with lectures (J.C. De Martin) and meetings (M. Conoscenti and A. Vetrò) on "We and the digital revolution". More information at: (in Italian).
Past teaching activities
Nexa Summer School
A summer school for Ph.D. and MS students on AI, trying to see it in a positive way, without underestimating the dangers it may take to our democratic life.
The summer school aimed at strengthening the relationship between Politecnico di Torino and some prestigious foreign Universities, such as Harvard and Villanova (USA), Max Planck Institute (Germany), Université de Montréal (Canada), Bournemouth University (UK), Telecom ParisTech (France). This goal had been pursued inviting some members of the Board of Trustees of the Nexa Center for Internet & Society (DAUIN) of the Politecnico di Torino - prestigious and very well-known scholars coming from the Universities mentioned above - to give lectures, together with the personnel of the Nexa Center and with some of its Italian fellows, on Artificial Intelligence and its consequences on society, law and sustainability.
Tempi difficili
The Covid-19 pandemic caused a worldwide crisis that is having a deep impact in every aspect of our life: economic, political, cultural, psychological and social. After a particularly difficult year, the Politecnico di Torino wanted to promote a new initiative: a short course - intended for students in the first place but open to everyone - to try and find our way out of a crisis that is causing confusion and uncertainty.
That is why the University designed "Tempi Difficili - Mappe per orientarsi nella prima pandemia del XXI secolo": a journey in 11 stops during which famous experts will reflect upon the pandemic from various points of view, trying to provide useful means to cope with the predicament in which we found ourselves in.
Throughout “Tempi difficili” we succesfully livestreamed 11 lessons, about 45 to 60 minutes long, followed by 10 to 15 minutes of live interaction with our audience. The on-demand videos are available here.
Rivoluzione Digitale
Rivoluzione Digitale (Digital Revolution) is an elective course for first-year students at Polytechnic University of Turin. It aims to contribute to the education of future engineers and architects as digital individuals, by providing students with the multidisciplinary knowledge required to understand the digital revolution, and by teaching them practical online-world skills.
The course was held by Juan Carlos De Martin with the collaboration of Giuseppe Futia.
New media languages
New media languages is a compulsory course for the second year students of Communication Sciences at the University eCampus. It is an online course which aims at illustrating how intermedia and transmedia communication strategies can be used, to turn “old media” like television, cinema, books, newspapers, videogames, etc., into new media, which can offer their users new and meaningful communicative experiences.
Many examples are taken from political communication, so that students can learn how to use “new media” to involve people into communication projects that may help them to better participate to the democratic life.
The course was held by Antonio Santangelo.
Evolutionary dynamics of science and technology
“Evolutionary dynamics of science and technology” is a course within the Specialization Master’s in journalism at Università di Torino. The goal of the course is aligned with that of the Master: to equip students with the professional, technical and cultural tools to work competently in new scenarios and recognize the new challenges of journalism.
The course was held by Antonio Vetrò (coordinator and lecturer) and Juan Carlos De Martin (lecturer).
Digital Revolution for librarians
In October 2019, Juan Carlos De Martin, Antonio Santangelo and Antonio Vetrò gave a three-day course on the Digital Revolution to a selection of about 30 librarians from public libraries of Torino. The content of the lectures is the same of “Essere digitali” (“Be Digital”, see project “Riconnessioni”): at the end of the course, librarians are expected to have acquired the basic knowledge and the conceptual tools to understand the digital revolution.
Big Dive
The Top-IX consortium and other partners organize Big Dive, a five-week training program providing the key technical skills needed to dive into the big data universe, including some multidisciplinary knowledge useful to extract value from data. In July 2017, within its 6th edition, Antonio Vetrò gave lectures on the topic of data quality (in 2017 together with fellow Alessio Melandri ). In July 2019, within its 8th edition, Antonio Vetrò gave a lecture on “Formalizing (and achieving?) fairness in machine learning”. More info at
WIPO Master (LL.M)
The World Intellectual Property Organization and the University of Turin organize an LL.M in Intellectual Property Law at the ILO International Training Center in Turin. The LL.M is coordinated, starting from 2016, by Nexa Fellow Alessandro Cogo, who succeeded Nexa co-director Marco Ricolfi.
Great attention has been given in last editions of the LLM to the implications of ICT on IP and, in particular, to the nexus between data, artificial intelligence and knowledge. A conference on AI and IP has been hosted on October 16, 2017, with a program enriched by a cycle of lectures on IP, IoT and data protection. A conference on trade secrets was hosted on October 15, 2018.
FULL (Seminars on communication)
Between February and April 2018, Antonio Santangelo has been charged by FULL (Future Urban Legacy Lab of Polytechnic University of Turin), in his quality of board member, to train researchers, Ph.D. and post-doc students, to effectively communicate the meaning and the results of their studies. Moreover, after training these personnel, Antonio Santangelo has been asked to conduct a research on how to build the brand image of FULL and on how to position it in the field of University Research Centers. The results of this research have been reported to the FULL board, to help the personnel to take more aware decisions on the Center communication.
Master School of Journalism
From 2016, the Nexa Trustee Anna Masera is the director of the School of Journalism of the University of Turin: such new leadership enables many opportunities of collaboration between the Nexa Center and the School of Journalism. After the practical laboratories on Web and semantic technologies held by the Ph.D. student Giuseppe Futia and some insight on the drone journalism provided by Nexa Fellow Giovan Battista Gallus, during the last reporting period the co-Director Prof. Marco Ricolfi contributed with a lecture on copyright protection. On the other side, the students of the School of Journalism covered many events and initiatives carried out by the Nexa Center. In the following years, such collaboration will extend to joint projects.
Master Course Management of Libre Software
In November 2017, Juan Carlos De Martin, Federico Morando, Marco Torchiano and Antonio Servetti were teaching at the “Master di I livello in management del software libero”, a course for officials in the public administrations and managers in private corporations. The Master ended in December 2018.
Big data Academy Intesa Sanpaolo - Digital Culture
The goal of this curriculum proposal is to increase the awareness on the deep motivations that make the digital technologies a disruption with respect to the past, exploring related problems and opportunities. An interdisciplinary approach is used: technological perspectives are combined with the legal, socio-economical, historical and philosophical (included ethics) dimensions. The curriculum is composed of three modules: “Introduction to the digital revolution” (taught by Juan Carlos De Martin), “Introduction to the Big Data revolution” (taught by Antonio Vetrò) and “The legal aspects of the digital and data revolutions” (taught by Nexa Fellow Carlo Blengino ).
Topics in Internet & Society Interdisciplinary Studies
This course – addressed to students of all Doctoral Programmes – is aimed at providing an interdisciplinary overview of a selection of Internet & Society topics currently addressed by scholars at global level, all of which have tangible implications in many domains, and may very well suggest new lines of reasoning to ongoing research of PhD candidates. More information at: Information on 2016 edition is available at: Information on 2015 edition is available at:
Open Data in Public Administrations
From March to May 2016 the Nexa Center delivered a 40 hours course to the employees of public administrations on the Open Data principles, in the context of the continuing training program provided by the Politecnico di Torino. The course provided participants with the skills required to manage the information assets of a public body, taking into account the opportunities and risks relating to the provision and re-use of public data. The course exploited a multidisciplinary approach, adapting to different learning paths of learners, and touching advanced topics such as linked data and data fusion. Lectures were held by Juan Carlos De Martin, Marco Torchiano, Raimondo Iemma, Federico Morando, and Giuseppe Futia. Students have been evaluated on the basis of group work developed from data published by the administrations in real cases.
ASP Winter school “The New Internet Society: Entering the black-box of digital innovation”
The ASP (Alta Scuola Politecnica, Winter school is a 5 days intensive course for the top 2% Master’s students of the Politecnico of Torino and Milano that in 2016 took place in Belgirate (14-18 MarchThe course “The New Internet Society: Entering the blackbox of digital innovation” had the objective to provide the students with a set of theoretical and applied tools in management of innovation). For this edition Juan Carlos De Martin gave lectures and insights about the influence of technology on society and viceversa, with two lectures: “The Cultural Roots of Digital Innovation” and “Sharing and Collaboration in the Digital Age: Facts and Myths”. Antonio Vetrò and Lorenzo Canova have been the tutors of the school, for assisting and evaluating the students in their homework during and after the school.
Last-JD (Ph.D.)
Some teaching activities are taking place within the Last-JD Joint International Doctoral (Ph.D.) Degree in Law, Science and Technology, in which the Nexa Center is involved as an associate partner. In particular, Alessandro Mantelero and Federico Morando lectured during the Spring of 2014 (when the students are spending a term in Turin).
Innovation and international transactions law
In 2014, Alessandro Mantelero has started his second level course on “Innovation and International Transactions Law”, featuring as a primary focus the digital arena. The course included guest lectures from Nexa researchers, e.g., Raimondo Iemma and Federico Morando.
CopyrightX satellite
CopyrightX is a networked course, combining pre-recorded lectures, seminars, live webcasts, and online discussions. It is taught and coordinated by Prof. William Fisher and it is a joint initiative of Harvard Law School, the HarvardX distance-learning project, and the Berkman Center for Internet and Society. The course explores copyright law, with an emphasis on normative aspects and on the debate about how to stimulate and sustain creative expression. Three groups of students take part in the course: a class of residential students at Harvard Law School, about 500 online participants, the students of 10 "satellite" courses, based in countries other than the United States (and each taught by a different copyright law expert).
In 2014, the first of the satellite courses was affiliated with the Nexa Center for Internet & Society and taught by Nexa Faculty AssociateGiancarlo Frosio (see Moreover, another satellite course, affiliated with the Institute for Information Law (Amsterdam, Netherlands) was taught by Nexa Fellow Thomas Margoni.
Corso Open Data
The Nexa Center organizes a course on Open Data within the Data Engineering Master at Politecnico di Torino.