Public Sector Innovation

This page summarizes the main activities performed by the Center in the field of open government data and public sector innovation enabled by ICTs. These projects are mainly related with policy support on legal aspects of public sector information, as well as promising collaborations aimed at defining fundamental-rights-respectful principles within 'smart city' programs and projects.

A procedure for assessing and comparing open source software for Public Administrations
Consensus building and policy support at the European level, as a follow-up of the LAPSI network
A quali-quantitative analysis of the presence of Italian universities on social networks, focusing on Facebook and Twitter.
A European Thematic Network to reach consensus on PSI technical standards.
A quali-quantitative analysis of the activities by Municipalities, Provinces and Regions on Facebook and Twitter
Innovating in the Public Sector, using cloud computing and Service-Oriented Architectures to make data available for useful applications
A multidisciplinary research project funded by Regione Piemonte in support of Open Government Data policies
The first EU-funded thematic network on legal aspects of public sector information, coordinated by the Nexa Center between 2010 and 2012
Studying legal and organisational implications of cloud computing in the public sector, with a pilot study in Piedmont
Making Italian public sector information freely accessible and re-usable (using Piemonte as a pilot case)
A collaborative study to analyze the role of open data (published or reused by) the Italian Parliament, with an international benchmarking
A project for enabling MAchine ProcessAble pOrtals for Public Administrations
Feasibility study in the context of Open Government Data for enabling collaborative processes to improve data quality and usability
A Semantic tool for checking Italian Open Government Data quality in the context of the Transparency Decree (d.lgs33/2013)
Harmonising Open data in the MEditerranean through better access and Reuse of public sector information
