The directors of the Nexa Center for Internet & Society supervise and coordinate the activities of the center. Their main references are, at the executive level, the IT Manager, the Communication Officer and the Project Manager of the Center, while, at the advisory level, is the relationship with the Nexa Board of Trustees. The directors appoint the Fellows of the Center.
People | Trustees
The Board of Trustees of the Nexa Center for Internet & Society reviews the performance of the Center and advices the Directors on future priorities. The Board meets at least yearly in Turin. During the meeting, which is open to all Nexa Staff and Fellows, the Board reviews the activities of the Center, discusses with the participants the general "Internet & Society" scenario, and provides advice and recommendations about future activities.
People | Fellows
The Fellows of the Nexa Center for Internet and Society contribute pro bono to the activities of the center. Some of them, the "research fellows", perform research specifically
for the Center, either as a Ph.D. student or as a "assegnista di ricerca". Fellows are appointed by the directors. Fellowships last for a calendar year and are renewable.
People | Staff
Senior Research Fellow
Administrative Manager
Senior Research Fellow
Project Manager
IT Manager
Communication Officer
PhD Student
People | Faculty Associates
This section includes the Faculty Associates of the center.
People | Visitors
This section includes people that are spending or spent some time visiting the center.
People | Alumni
This section includes people that in the past contributed to the activities of the center.